R.M. Agarwal

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Country: India
Email: ddgnt-dot [at] nic.in

UnderConstruction.png R.M. Agarwal is the Deputy Director General of Network and Technologies in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of India.[1] He also coordinates with the Government and the Telecommunication Industry for IPv6 in the country as the Central Coordinating Officer from the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India. Mr. Agarwal has been nominated as the Convener of India IPv6 Task Force for implementation of IPV6 in India including pilot projects across various sectors.[2]

Career HIstory

Earlier in his career he was the DDG at the Telecommunication Engineering Center of India; where he was given the responsibility for IPv4 and IPv6 migration in the country and IPTV standards. He brought out the "National IPv6 Deployment Roadmap" for India in 2010.[3]
