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Domainer is a term used to describe the person who buys and sells domain name registrations, with the purpose of generating profit either by selling the domain names at a higher price later in time or from advertising activities. Profit can also be generated through sales, advertising and affiliate commissions by using the domain name registrations. Domainers are sometimes referred to as publishers, domain name speculators, domain investors and commercial registrants. [1]


In order to earn extra income the domainers register domain names based on seemingly generic phrases and hope for the increase in price, popularity and competitiveness for that specific domain name. Most domainers avoid registering domain names which contain trademarks as this is usually an issue of cybersquatting. [2]

How To Become a Domainer

Nowdaways, it is not hard to become a domainer, but it is trully challenging to become a successful domainer. The domaining industry is slowly reaching its peak and in order to be part of the big picture creativity and innovation are required. More specifically, the entrepreneurial skills are a necessary ingredients in the business of domaining. The domain investor should be able to determine the most popular keywords that would be highly required in the near future and purchase domain names based on these keywords. In other words, the activity of domaining is mostly based on speculation but fortunately there are no risks involved. Whether the price of the domain names registered will increase or not, the domainer can anytime sell the assets owned either to premium or bulk domain name customers. As a domainer, one should be always up-to-date with the latest news in terms of websites, online businesses and online methods to earn extra money.[3] It is not easy to be in competition with huge domainers such as VeriSign, but it is highly profitable if you succeed to take a bite of this big cake called " the domaining industry".

Domain Name Speculation Markets

As in the case of any other investment market, there are two types of domain name speculation markets:

  1. The primary market: Here is where only new domain names are being registered and are being traded for the first time. These domain names have not been registered before are their appearance is usually connected to new events or events. The launch of TLDs is a great opportunity for domain name speculators, but also for hackers.
  2. The secondary market: This part of the market covers only previously registered domain names which are being traded for at least the second time. This is where domainers earn extra income by selling new, creative, popular and innovative domain names to the ones who need them. Depending on how various events take place, a domain name may turn over night into a treasury for the one who owns it at the right time and knows how to sell on to those who really need it (this requires entrepreneurial skills in order to identify an opportunity, determine the demand, the best price and the strategy used to sell the domain name).
