
Revision as of 19:40, 20 August 2015 by Jackie Treiber (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===证人证言=== Joshua Bourne先生表达了他对这个项目的担忧并提出了包括实行第二轮申请以缓解由该项目带来的焦虑、提供保护商标的...")
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Joshua Bourne先生表達了他對這個項目的擔憂並提出了包括實行第二輪申請以緩解由該項目帶來的焦慮、提供保護商標的方法、更新反域名搶注保護法案(ACPA)、降低多通用頂級域申請人的費用並且增加互聯網號碼分配局(IANA)合約中條款的建議。[1] Josh和2011年11月反域名濫用聯盟(CADNA)通用頂級域會議的與會者也同樣表達了實行第二輪申請的要求。[2]

  1. Testimony of Josh Bourne-President, Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse. Committee on Energy & Commerce. Published 2011 December 14.
  2. International - Call for ICANN to announce second round of gTLD applications. World Trademark Review. Published 2011 November 2.