Semantic Technology

Semantic Technology is an encoding process whereby meaning is stored separately from data and content; this separation provides a fluidity to searches and systems operations that is not found in standard IT.[1]


Semantic Technologies can appear in a variety of formats, and the scope and application of these programs is still in flux. However, generally speaking, these technologies offer a system, and the tools to support it, which is "meaning centered"; that is, the meaning and implications of data is broken down and stored separately so that the nuance of human language and communication can be more accurately captured and understood by the computer system.[2]

The application for such technology is expanding, and it has widespread possibility. Semantic technologies could hypothetically divine what a company sells from its name alone, or would know "that the West Bank of Jordan is not a financial institution".[3]


Basically, the semantic technology aims to assess the probable intent of the user. In this way, this type of technology involves a set of tools used to analyze text with the purpose of dividing its meaning in formats and standards to enable the codification and integration of information based on the meanings discovered.

There are also various standards used to describe the semantic meaning of an unstructured data set, which subsequently structure the data set, and which can then be used in relation to other data sets. Through such standards, like the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL), companies can codify unstructured data.[4]

Types of Semantic Technologies

Nowadays, the semantic technologies are being used in many industries and domains. Some problems could not have been solved until the appearance of semantic technologies. Depending on the industry in which is applied, there are different types of semantic technologies. The semantic technologies are being used in the following industries:

  1. Semantic technology in Healthcare: the main application are developed for cost management, medical records, accounting or even public health monitoring;
  2. Semantic technology in Finance: the main applications are developed for an improved customers account management and integration, document processing, portfolio performance and risk control;
  3. Semantic technology in Open Government: the main application are developed for citizens applications, national system management;
  4. Semantic technology in Publishing: the main applications are developed for content management, media management;
  5. Semantic technology in Marketing: the main applications are developed for targeted search, competitive intelligence, analysis and consumer interfaces;
  6. Semantic technology in Life Sciences: the main applications are developed for the visualization of complex biomedical relationships, linked data;

Other industries where semantic technology has been the core reason for development include: emergency response, military intelligence, digital libraries, advertising, and many more. [5]
