Onica Makwakwa

Onica Makwakwa Portrait.JPG
Onica Makwakwa caric.jpg
Affiliation: A4AI, World Wide Web Foundation
Country: South Africa
Email: omakwakwa [at] consint.org
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   [Onica N. Makwakwa Onica Makwakwa]
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @afrodiva

Onica Makwakwa is the Head of CI Office for Africa at Consumers International.[1]


Onica obtained her Masters in Education at University of Iowa.[1]


Onica is interested in NSO and ISOC.[2]


Onica speaks English, Zulu and Sotho.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 LinkedIn From LinkedIn.com. Retrieved 27 February 2015.
  2. ICANNWiki - ICANN 52 Intake Form, Feb 2015