Cathrin Bauer-Bulst

Organization: European Commission
Affiliation: GAC
Stakeholder Group(s): ,|xyz|xyz|
Region: Europe
Country: Belgium

Cathrin Bauer-Bulst is Deputy Head of Unit for the fight against cybercrime and child sexual abuse at the European Union's European Commmission.

ICANN and Internet Governance Participation

Bauer-Bulst started attending ICANN meetings at ICANN 50 in London in 2014. She is part of the European Commission's GAC delegation and serves as the co-chair of the GAC Public Safety Working Group. She is a member of the current Registration Directory Services Review Team.

Bauer-Bulst has moderated two High-Interest Topic sessions on WHOIS and DNS Abuse Mitigation at ICANN 57 and ICANN 58 and spoke on the EU's General Data Protection Regulation at the ICANN 59 cross-community session on the GDPR.