Project Loon

Project Loon is a Google project at that aims to provide internet access to the two-thirds of the world's population which does not have internet access. It focuses on developing countries, rural and remote areas and areas that have suffered natural disasters. It uses high-altitude balloons that float between 10km to 60km above the Earth's surface -- generally higher than airplanes and the weather -- and utilizes software algorithms to carefully position balloons within wind patterns. Google has partnered with telecommunications to share cellular spectrums, thus transforming the floating balloons into large-scale wireless networks for use on phones and other LTE-enabled devices.[1][2]

Google hopes to deploy at least 100,000 balloons which offer Internet access in remote locations around the world, and hope to retrieve them once they deflate.[3]


Project Loon was first conceived by Google X, the division of the company that is dedicated to "moon shots", which are projects that considered ahead of their time. These projects may not have immediate impacts but have a high potential for future payouts.[3]

On the 15th December 2014, it was announced that the French Space Agency, the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, or CNES, had formed a partnership with Google on Project Loon.[3]


Made from sheets of polyethtylene plastic and measuring fifteen meters wide and twelve meters tall when inflated, the balloons last for about 100 days and withstand sub-zero temperatures. This progress was achieved in only a year; original versions included a number of different shapes and designs and lasted only one to two days.[4]

Each balloon is powered by solar panels and a box of electronics which controls the system and has radio antennas which allows them to communicate with other balloons and antennas on the ground.[2]

Defying all odds, one balloon stayed in the air for 134 days, which was a feat that one expert said was "absolutely impossible -- just talk to anyone in the scientific community."[3]

Pilot Tests

Project Loon has undertaken a number of pilot tests, which are being used to improve technology for the next stages of the project.[2] They have additional projects in the works. India is amongst the most recent..[5]

New Zealand (2013)

Project Loon began in June 2013 with an experimental pilot in New Zealand. Thirty balloons were launched, offering fifty individuals in the Christchurch area access to internet.[6] They worked with the telecommunications company Telstra.[5]

Brazil (2014)

Project Loon tested its technology at Linoca Gayoso, a rural school in Agua Fria, Brazil.[7] The school had never before accessed the internet, and the school's principal, Silvana Pereira, commented, "It makes no sense that a student in secondary school, almost in high school, has to do what it takes to go to Campo Maior to go to a Cyber Cafe or climb trees to get access to the internet. I need my students to be part of the digital era. This is the only way they're going to grow, not only as students but as human beings, with the ability to contribute knowledge to their community."[7][8]

Central Valley, California

In 2013, Project Loon began calling for volunteers in the California Central Valley, asking for people "who are willing to have a Loon internet antenna installed on their house or small business building to help test the strength of the Loon internet connection."[9] They tested balloon flights over Fresno.[9]

India (2016)

Google hopes to being Project Loon to India but must first partner with a local telecommunications company. As of March 2016, they were in discussions with a number of them.[5] Google also mentioned that, unlike Facebook's Free Basics internet service, they would not censor content.[5]


  1. Google Loon, Retrieved 16th December 2014. Updated 2016 April 20.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 How Loon Works, Retrieved 2016 April 20.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Google partners with French space agency for Project Loon, Retrieved 17th December 2014. Updated 2016 April 20.
  4. Manufacturing For The Stratosphere, Published 2015 November 24. Retrieved 2016 April 20.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Google seeks carrier for Loon pilot program in India, Published 2016 March 7. Retrieved 2016 April 20.
  6. Project Loon: New Zealand Pilot Test, Published 2013 June 17. Retrieved 2016 April 20.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Watch Google's Project Loon Bring Internet To A School In Brazil, Published 2014 June 24. Retrieve 2016 April 20.
  8. The Brazil Test, Published 2014 June. Retrieved 2016 April 20.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Google to test Project Loon in California's Central Valley, begins taking participant applications, Published 2013 August. Retrieved 2016 April 20.