Halefom Abraha

Affiliation: INSA
Country: Ethiopia
Email: halefom03[at]gmail.com

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Halefom Abraha is internet law and policy researcher for Information Network Security agency (INSA). He is based in Ethiopia, OR.

Career History


AT INSA Halefom Abraha is internet law and policy researcher, and deputy director of legal and policy affairs. Halefom is also National focal person for Ethiopia, East African networking on cybercrime and digital evidence, ICANN55 fellow.

Axum Business and service college (2007-2009)

At Axum Business and service college Halefom Abraha taught different law courses develop training materials.


Halefom received LLB in law from Mekelle University in 2007 and Masters degree (LLM) in IT and Telecommunication laws from University of Southampton, UK.
