Otieno Antony is Computer Technologist, who is also a Cisco and Microsoft trained System Developer and Administrator. he is currently a system developer and corporate consultant at Frabeaton Entrerprises. He is an active member of NEPAD ICT Knowledge Space, African Knowledge for Development, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering , Internet Engineering Task Force working groups, Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and Numbers (GNSO-WG), Internet Society. Currently, he is an Executive Committee member of Internet Society Kenya Chapter, charged with drafting the Chapter Bylaws and guiding the Chapter out of rejuvenation status and a member of ICANN Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group. He is also an active developer and participant within Red Hat Developers community, Nairobi Ruby Community(Nairuby), Nairobi SharePoint User Group and Python Community. He has co-founded various youth groups and student academic/research association on poverty eradiction and internet development using open source technologies. Some of the associations that he has managed include Sironyo Youth Group, Smart Help Resource Group, Osogo Community. When not programming, he occasionally participate in entrepreneurial agenda championed by Village Capital, World Youth International and YALI-Network (Young African Leadership Initiative Network).