Lorenzo Baloci

Revision as of 21:57, 22 February 2020 by Lbaloci (talk | contribs) (updated role descriptions)
Lorenzo BalociPortrait.jpg
LorenzoBaloci art.jpg
Organization: Google Domains
Stakeholder Group(s): ,|xyz|xyz|
Region: North America
Country: USA
Email: lbaloci@google.com
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Lorenzo Baloci

Lorenzo Baloci is a Product Manager at Google, leading the Google Domains registrar product and its integrations across Google services.

Google Domains is a powerful, simple and straightforward way to get online, get Google reliability and experience speed and security using DNS servers that run on Google infrastructure.

Need help with something? Start here and get in touch with helpful support team, available 24/7.

Previously at Google, Lorenzo was PM for the G Suite Signup, Setup and Domain Registration flows and prior to Google, Lorenzo was running a consulting business in Italy, with a focus on Security and RFID technologies.


Lorenzo graduated from Ca' Foscari University, in Venice, Italy where he studied Computer Science and co-founded the Security group c00kies@venice.