
Revision as of 17:11, 13 November 2010 by George Jugaru (talk | contribs) (Created page with "WebHosting.info is a website that offers statistics on Internet related subjects, like statistics of Domain Names by Country of Purchase,<ref>[http://www.webhosting.info/domains/...")
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WebHosting.info is a website that offers statistics on Internet related subjects, like statistics of Domain Names by Country of Purchase,[1]. WebHosting.info is one of the most important research and statistics websites, offering detailed information about the industry of web services. WebHosting.info can be characterized as being a database of the web industry.


WebHosting.info is a divsion of Directi, having a common founder and CEO in the person of Bhavin Turakhia from India. It was founded in September 2003.[2] Directi has four offices in India, and one office in China, the United Arab Emirates and Australia. The seven offices are used for Directi and their numerous divisions, including WebHosting.info. [3]

Currently, WebHosting.info monitors over 2 billion IP addresses, 35 million domain names, 35.000 hosting companies and 1.3 million DNS servers. [4]. This is acomplished with the help of optimized geographically distributed crawlers. [5]

Services offered by WebHosting.info

  • Statistics of the fastest growing registrars, offering details regarding total registered domains at each company and improvement over the statistics of the previous month. [6] You can also browse registrars by country of origin to find out more about them. [7]
  • Statistics of the top 50 web hosting companies worldwide, with details regarding total number of domains hosted and market share. [8] You can also check top 25 web hosting companies from a specific country. [9]
  • Statistics of the gTLDs by number of registered domains. The statistics include the most common gTLDs like .com or .biz and offers data regarding total number of registered domains and how the figures changed in the last week. [10]
  • Statistics of the domain name distribution worldwide. Offers information regarding the total number of domains bought in the countries of the world. Also offers statistics regarding the evolution of worldwide domain registrations in the last weeks. [11]
  • A very frequently updated section with news about the industry. [12]


External links

Official web site of WebHosting.info