IPv6 Forum

Revision as of 17:21, 15 March 2021 by Jessica (talk | contribs) (added Category:Organizations using HotCat)
Type: non-profit
Industry: internet
Founded: July 17, 1999
Country: Luxembourg
Website: IPv6 Forum
Facebook: IPv6 Forum
LinkedIn: IPv6 Forum
Key People
Vint Cerf, Honorary Chairman

Latif Ladid, President
Jim Bound, CTO
Takashi Arano, Board Member
Marc Blanchet, Board Member
Liu Dong, Board Member
Bob Hinden, Board Member

IPv6 Forum is an organization for creating awareness about IPv6 deployment. The organization consists of international Internet vendors, Internet Experts, Researchers & Education Networks. It has associations with ICANN, ISOC and other Internet and policy organizations. It is an international forum promoting IPv6 applications, websites, web servers and ISPs. IPv6 deployment guides are published by IPv6 Forum.[1] The forum organizes summits, seminars and conferences to promote IPv6. A complete list of events can be seen here. Broadband Forum and SIP Forum are now working with IPv6 Forum to ensure the deployment of IPv6 in broadband connections.[2][3]

IPv6 Forum was created in 1999 by the members of IETF, the IPv6 Working Group, and the Deployment Working Group.[4] IPv6 Forum has international chapters throughout the world.[5]

Logo & Certification

IPv6 Forum has an 'IPv6 ready' logo program, with which an IPv6 ready logo can be placed on websites and applications to increase the user trust by demonstrating that IPv6 is enabled.[6]Further, the forum has organized certification programs in which IT professionals can take CCNA, CCNP or CCIE programs to be certified as IPv6 professionals.[7]

IPv6 Forum is also offering its own certifications:[8]

  • CNE6 Silver: IPv6 Forum Certified Course & Network Engineer Level 1
  • CNE6 Gold: IPv6 Forum Certified Course & Network Engineer Level 2
  • CNSE6: IPv6 Forum Certified Security Engineer
  • IPv6 Forum Certified Programmer
  • The Second Internet (based on IPv6) For Decision Makers


IPv6 Forum has launched a program called Boundv6 as a successor to moonv6. This program will create a network that will bring IPv6 Ready Logo approved labs and USG approved labs to test and share new IPv6 enabled applications to create the new Internet.[9]

External Links
