2002 Evolution and Reform Process

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The 2002 Evolution and Reform Process was a board-led reform process that resulted in the adoption of substantial reform in the bylaws, structure, and operation of ICANN.


In November 2001, the ICANN Board created a Committee on Restructuring to investigate possible reforms to ICANN's structure and operations.[1] The resolution forming the committee also instructed the ICANN President (at the time, M. Stuart Lynn) "to take such steps as he deems appropriate to bring to the Board for its review and approval recommendations for how best to reaffirm and clarify the nature and scope of ICANN's limited mission."[1] The board cited "ongoing considerable discussion in the ICANN community, including a number of the DNSO constituencies, about the desirability of possible changes in the structure of ICANN, including consideration of possible new Supporting Organizations and changes in the composition of the ICANN Board;" as well as the fact that "ongoing evaluation of the ALSC Final Report also implicates issues of ICANN structure and Board composition" as factors in taking these actions.[1]

In February 2002, Lynn published his report and proposal for comprehensive reforms of the ICANN structure, board, and operations.[2] Prior to publication, the reform report and proposal was presented to the ICANN Board during its retreat in Washington D.C.[2]

In response to Lynn's report, the board made a number of resolutions at its meeting at ICANN 12 in Accra, Ghana:

  • the Committee on Restructuring was renamed the Committee on Evolution and Reform;
  • the committee was tasked to provide a report to the board outlining a "framework for the structure and functioning of a reformed ICANN, and a timetable for implementing that framework" in time for the ICANN 13 meeting in Bucharest;
  • the committee was to ensure that they addressed and recommended resolutions for a broad range of issues, including both structural and operational considerations for the proposed reformed structure, transition of existing structural components, and ensuring adherence to ICANN's core mission and objectives;
  • the board strongly encouraged public comment on reform proposals as well as all activities and recommendations of the committee; and
  • the committee was instructed to work with Lynn and ICANN staff to develop its recommendations for reform.[3]