Affiliation: Streambank
Country: USA
Email: gfried[at]
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Gabe Fried

Gabe Fried is the CEO of Hilco Streambank, the IP Services division of Hilco Global, an asset disposition firm. The organization manages marketing and sale processes for IP portfolios, is a leading broker of IPv4 address, and buys and sells domains. He was a Founding Principal of Streambank LLC in 2006.[1]

As of ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires, Fried had attended over two ICANN Meeting, and had also attended ARIN, APNIC, RIPE, and NANOG.[2]

His proudest life achievements are his marriage and his two children, and adds that "It was cool to ride my bicycle up Mt. Washington." In college, he was a firefighter as well as a bus driver, though at separate times. He hopes to someday retire and travel internationally for pleasure rather than business.[2]


  1. Gabe Fried, Retrieved 2015 July 7.
  2. 2.0 2.1 ICANNWiki - ICANN 53 Buenos Aires Intake Form. Retrieved 2015 July 7.