Expedited Policy Development Process

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An Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) is initiated by the GNSO Council in situations when time is of the essence to the issues being considered.


The ICANN Bylaws describe the conditions and restrictions for the launch of an EPDP:

The GNSO Council may invoke the EPDP in the following limited circumstances: (1) to address a narrowly defined policy issue that was identified and scoped after either the adoption of a GNSO policy recommendation by the Board or the implementation of such an adopted recommendation; or (2) to create new or additional recommendations for a specific policy issue that had been substantially scoped previously such that extensive, pertinent background information already exists, e.g. (a) in an Issue Report for a possible PDP that was not initiated; (b) as part of a previous PDP that was not completed; or (c) through other projects such as a GNSO Guidance Process.[1]

The EPDP process was added to the bylaws in February 2016.[2]

Initiated EPDPs

The GNSO Council has initiated the following Expedited PDPs:


  1. ICANN Bylaws - Annex A-1: GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process, as amended November 28, 2019
  2. ICANN Bylaws, as amended Feburary 16, 2016