Documentary Information Disclosure Policy

Revision as of 17:56, 13 January 2022 by Jessica (talk | contribs)

Documentary Information Disclosure Policy (DIDP) is intended to ensure that ICANN makes available to the public information contained in documents concerning ICANN's operations and within ICANN's possession, custody, or control unless there is a compelling reason for confidentiality.


The DIDP is a fundamental component of ICANN's efforts at fulfilling its commitment to transparency. Anyone can request information by emailing ICANN at didp [@] ICANN will respond to the request within 30 calendar days. ICANN will inform the requester in writing as to when a response will be provided if the organization cannot respond within the first month and explain why the extension is necessary. If ICANN denies the information request, it will provide a written statement identifying the reasons for the denial. If requestors want to appeal their decision, they can file a Reconsideration request. ICANN posts all requests and responses on its website.

DIDP Process

  1. Upon receipt of a DIDP Request, an ICANN staffer reviews the request and identifies the information requested, who may be in possession of or have knowledge of the information.
  2. The ICANN staffer then interviews the relevant staff members and performs a document search.
  3. The ICANN staffer collects the documents and reviews whether they answer the questions asked in the request and/or are subject to the Defined Conditions for Nondisclosure.
  4. If the document falls under any of the Defined Conditions for Nondisclosure, a review is conducted as to whether the public interest in disclosing the documentary information outweighs the harm that may be caused by such disclosure.
  5. Documents that are responsive and appropriate for public disclosure are posted on ICANN’s website. If ICANN deems a document's disclosure to be premature, ICANN will indicate it in its response to the request and notify the requestor when the document is posted.
  6. The ICANN staffer prepares an email response to the DIDP Request and postsCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content the request and response and Request to the DIDP page.[1]

Conditions for Nondisclosure

