Robert Guerra

Revision as of 14:16, 14 September 2023 by Rguerra (talk | contribs)
Organization: Privaterra
Affiliation: SSAC
Region: North America
Country: Canada

LinkedIn:    Robert Guerra
Twitter:    @netfreedom
Currently a member

Currently a member
of ICANN's NomCom

Formerly a member

Featured in the ICANN 50 - London playing card deck

Robert Guerra is a trilingual policy and research professional trained in medicine and digital rights. He has over 22 years of experience in community building, training, and supporting organizations to leverage technology to enhance advocacy and improve collaboration while protecting privacy.

Robert is currently the Chief Technology Officer and Research Lead at the Collier Collective, where he supports the team on issues related to COVID-19, harm reduction, privacy, data analysis, and social media.

Robert is also the founder of Privaterra, a Canadian based company that has worked with private industry and non-governmental organizations such as ICANN, Counterpart International, American University's Institute on Disability and Public Policy (IDPP), Citizen Lab, and Freedom House, on issues related to accessibility, data privacy, digital security, and Internet governance.  

Robert is an Honours graduate of the University of Western Ontario and an alumnus of the Universidad de Navarra’s Faculty of Medicine.    

GPG Keys edit

KeyID: 0x4391F9B8E8D7596D

Fingerprint=E038 79AC 88EF 1722 DA90  9C92 4391 F9B8 E8D7 596D

Photos edit

You can download photos of Guerra here: 1, 2, 3

Conferences edit

  1. EuroDig 2020: Privacy in Europe – GDPR vs. information freedom? – WS 09

References edit