
Joined 22 April 2024
Revision as of 17:07, 22 April 2024 by Jessica (talk | contribs) (Creating user page for new user.)
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Netizen since 1991, raised in eastern Maine but have lived in Raleigh, North Carolina since 1993. Joined my wife, Heather Hesketh, in one of the first agencies dedicated solely to Web site design and development after a stint at a company that did document conversion to SGML, where I learned SunOS UNIX, perl, and markup, and where I led the team that created and maintained the company intranet. Currently responsible for Enemieslist, a dataset classifying PTR naming conventions since 2003 with coverage of roughly 97.5% of the Internet's IPv4 PTR namespace, so have some familiarity with DNS. Was "list mom" for webdesign-l, a popular mailing list for Web designers and developers from 1997 to 2017, was a co-founder and Group Lead for the Web Standards Project, am to blame for "Progressive Enhancement", a strategy for Web design that embraces inclusivity and focuses more on content than visual design or presentation and serves as the theoretical basis for the now-omnipresent "Responsive Design" strategy. *nix nerd and Mac lover. Writer, editor and contributor to several dozen books on Web design, markup and development, including "The Art and Science of Web Design", "Taking Your Talent to the Web", "Building Dynamic HTML GUIs" and "UNIX Power Tools".