Randy Bush

Country: Japan
Email: randy [at] psg.com

Randy Bush is a principal scientist at IIJ. He also serves on the Steering Committee of NANOG. Mr. Randy is the Chair of the APNIC Fees WG and Co-chair of the Routing SIG.

He is one of the founding Member of ARIN

Career History

He is the founding engineer of Verio and worked there for five year as the VP of IP networking. Prior to which he was the principal engineer at RAINet, which was later acquired by verio.

He was the founder of the Network Startup resource center and worked there as a PI.

In 2002, he gave a speech at the Rhodes University about Integration of appropriate networking technology.

He has served as a member of the IESG.

He attended RIPE-37, where he gave a presentation about some problems and possible approaches to the issues of identity; RIPE-40, where he presented News at Eleven; RIPE 43/, where he presented some research showing that Route Flap Damping is Harmful.

At AfNOG 2002 in Lome, Togo, I chaired a panel on the Hard Lessons of Internet eXchange Points. At APNIC, I have been the Routing SIG co-Chair, Policy SIG co-Chair, Fees WG Chair A presentation on operator/research cooperation from the DARPA PI meeting on 2002.01.16. At the same meeting, a research crew in which I participate presented an analysis of a purported major BGP event. I also ranted about the Condition of the DNS at the IEPG, the Internet Engineering and Planning Group, in Jan '96. In August '97, Dave Meyer and I presented our work on the InteRed exchange in Panama. My involvement in the DNS political arena led me to be the principal author of draft-ymbk-itld-admin-00.txt. I chaired the short-lived ACM Internet Governance Committee and was a founding member of the Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders' Constituency of the DNSO of ICANN. I was a founding Board of Trustee member of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), and have spoken in many venues for many years on ARIN's behalf, see presentation. On 2001.04.02, Mirjam Kuehne and I presented IPv6 Addressing Technology and Policy Developments between the IETF and the RIR community. For a decade, I led the US Modula-2 language standards efforts. I do not recommend the language as murdered by the international effort, well documented by Pat Terry, though N Wirth's original designs have withstood the tests of time. I authored, but did not design, the basic FidoNet protocol standard. Although I was technical program chair for INET'96, most of the credit for this goes to the individual session chairs. I have served on various research technical program committees, ICNP, PAM, etc. FreeRAIN was a pro bono low-speed public network a few folk maintained, and may still maintain, around the Portland area. There was a ConneXions article on it as well. My laptop used to be an IPM ThinkPad T41 running FreeBSD 7.x-current. If it might be of help to you, here is the kernel, XF86Config, dmesg, and/boot/loader.conf.local. I used to have a Dell Latitude C600. Here is how it was configured. Before I gave up on Sony because of their abysmal support, I had a Sony Vaio 505TX running FreeBSD. I have stashed some configuration hints for it should you be curious. Though I now have an iPhone, I used to have a Nokia 8890 GSM phone. Here are some tools and hacks for it. I also bought a Sony-Ericsson T68i, but wish I had not. I am trying to accumulate clues for using GPRS with UNIX laptops. Mr. Bush has been working with the computer for more than 40 years. He began with Languages and Compilers but for the past few decades, he has been working in the Internet Industry.

He actively attends RIR meetings of all the regions. He was the co-developer, with Anne Lord, of APNIC's policy development process.[1] He also attends LACNIC meetings.[2]

He has also been the technical contact for .bz ccTLD[3] He has also executed the technical operations for .ng TLD.[4][5]

Mr. Bush has been the Co-Chair at IETF.[6] and he did a lot of work in setting internet networks in South Africa.[7]

He has also served as a Coporate researcher at AT&T for more than a year.[8]


Identity Crisis, Whois=Who am I


Into the Future with the Internet Vendor Task Force A Very Curmudgeonly View or Testing Spaghetti — A Wall’s Point of View

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