Ignacio Amadoz

Country: Catalan
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   [Ignacio Amadoz Ignacio Amadoz]

He is the regulations and Policy director of Fundacio puntCAT in the city of Barcelona. He represents Fundacio as a lawyer who is the one in charge of all the regulations of the company and ensuring that all policies are met as well as meeting the ultimate quotas on time, efficiently. His business is a non-profit agency that works to raise aware of the Catalan Language and it’s subtleties as well as its cultural impact on the world.


The company is responsible for managing the .cat proxies as well as the cultural linguistically inclined TLDs. It’s also in charge of the Barcelona Bar Association of which it developed legal counseling initiations for all who needed to make use of Amadoz’s legal specifications.


He has a master’s degree in Information technology as well as IP texts of which he gained from the University of Barcelona.