Pierre Ouedraogo

Revision as of 17:51, 25 April 2011 by Dana Silvia (talk | contribs)
Country: France

Pierre Ouedraogo is within the Information Society ISOC, Project Manager at INTIF (Francophone institute for information and learning new technologies). Mr. Ouedraogo is also a member of ccNSO (country code Names Support Organization] within ICANN.

Professional experience

Within INTIF, Mr. Ouedraogo has been working on issues related to internet governance, free sofware and human resource development. He is also known for the networks he set up for developing Internet within Africa.[1] He is also known for being a part of organizations, such as:

  • founding member of AfrICANN or the African network of participants to the ICANN process;
  • founding member of AfTLD (African Internet Top Level Domain Names Association)
  • member of FOSSFA (free open source software foundation for Africa).[2]


  • Master in Physics and Chemistry, University of Ouagadougou
  • Master in information systems at Catholic university of Louvain-La-Neuve
