Michael Leibrandt

Revision as of 09:07, 9 June 2011 by Leibrandt (talk | contribs)
Country: Germany
Email: michael_leibrandt [at] web.de

Michael Leibrandt is Deputy Head of Division for FDI Promotion and Nation Branding at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in Germany.

He was the German GAC Representative until 2006.[1]

He attends IGF[2] and ICANN Meetings,[3][4][5] and is a part of the ICANN Studienkreis.[6][7] Michael prepared the contribution of Germany to both parts of the WSIS,[8] and also attended the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET), where only 52 scholars were invited from 30 countries around the world to discuss a global research agenda on Internet Governance.[9]. He is a member of the German Internet Governance Ohu.

