Type: Profit Corporation
Industry: Web Hosting, Web Development
Country: Germany
Website: Avarteq.de
LinkedIn: Profile

Avarteq GmBH is a company providing web hosting and development services. [1]

About Avarteq

With more than 10 years experience on the market, Avarteq is an IT agency providing services related to web development and hosting.[2] Avarteq has developed two hosting brands: RailsHoster.de and EnterpriseRails.de which offer services specialized on Ruby on Rails for start-up companies.[3] Ruby on Rails is a web development service that helps programmers write codes in a more user-friendly interface that factors in input from other users.[4]

Key-Systems, Europe's most prominent registrar, has invested funds in Avarteq on multiple occasions. It was involved in Avarteq's initial funding round in October, 2008, and Avarteq subsequently opened up an office in 2010 in Key-Systems' building in St. Inglebart to facilitate stronger, better coordination between the two companies.[5]
