Stanley Osao

Revision as of 18:40, 4 August 2017 by Jackie Treiber (talk | contribs)
StanleyOsao sketch.jpg
Organization: Internet PNG Clique
Affiliation: Fellowship Program
Stakeholder Group(s): ,|xyz|xyz|
Region: Pacific Islands
Country: Papua New Guinea
Facebook: Facebook.png   Stanley Osao

Stanley Osao is an ICANN Fellowship Alumni and board chairman of Internet PNG Clique (iPNGC); a local civil society for Internet users and service providers in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The iPNGC is the first At-Large Structure (ALS) in his country. His main roles in the society is promoting and facilitating outreach and engagement programs and events. Stanley is an Electronics & Communication engineer by profession. His areas of interests beside internet policy development, includes Internet of Things (IoT), IPv6 and ICT4D.

Career History

2011-Present: Internet PNG Clique: Board Chairman: Founded the iPNGC in 2011 and currently serving as board chair, in a team of five board members and three advisory committes.This role is a voluteer work apart from his fulltime job.

2012 - Present: Harmony Gold: Control Systems Engineer: Currently working asindustrial communications and control systems engineer. Design, installation and maintenance of controls systems network, field control units, process information systems, for gold process plant, power station, waste and water treatment systems.

2006 - 2009: APEC Digital Opportunity Center (ADOC): ICT Programs Coordinator: Worked as program coordinator and country manager for Taiwanese semi non government organization in PNG, ADOC. Roles include ICT program development, international relations, community outreach, education and training.

ICANN and Internet Governance Participation

  • ICANN Fellowship Alumni from 2008 - current. Attended five ICANN meetings
  • IGF Ambassador to Nairobi IGF as a member of ISOC Next Generation Leaders Program in 2011
  • Member of ISOC thru Pacific Islands Charpter of Internet Society (PICISOC) since 2007
  • Board Chair of Internet PNG Clique, local ALS recently
  • Member of .pg management committee, ccTLD for Papua New Guinaea in 2011


  • Master of Engineering (Industrial Engineering); Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand: 2010-2011
  • Graduate Diploma in Education Bridging; Auckland University of Technology: 2010
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Communication); PNG University of Technology: 2000-2004