Great Work!

Hi Pulasthi, I'm Ray's editor. I want to thank you for how quickly you moved over your batch of articles, your efficiency is awesome. I'm going to take some time this afternoon to look over a good portion of your work, get you some quick feedback, and then get you approved on VWorker so we can do some more work together!Thanks again. Andrew


Okay, there are a few minor changes that I'd like you to make before we check the assignment as complete and look toward another batch.

1.Please wipe and redirect all the pages on the site to its corresponding page on For an example of this see: [1]

2.Please start off all you articles with the bolded name of the article's subject. Stephane Van Gelder's article should start out: Stephane Van Gelder is ...

3.Please make sure that every article has at least one reference, and make an effort to include more than one.

I would also like to encourage you to continue to look for sources outside any that were listed on the site. Pulling in more than one source means a lot to us. I've noticed you've already done some of that, I appreciate it and really hope to see more of it!

Also, if you notice that any of our articles is directly copied and pasted from the source, please look to re-word or focus the article in a new way.

I think you've shown a great first effort and I look forward to more work from you. Please just continue to build substantial articles. I'll do some final edits once you get those references in there and address those other issues.

Again, great work, I'm truly impressed and excited about your potential with the siteAndrew

Hey Andrew..

I have made the changes you requested.. Check it out and give me a feedback.. Thank you.. hope to hear from you soon..

--Pulasthi 00:11, 31 January 2011 (PST)


Again, great, quick work. I've noticed you use external links quite a bit, and while I think this is a great thing for some sites I'd link to encourage you to use internal links whenever you see a corporation/site that would likely deserve a place on our site. This will help us keep users on our site and help build our content. I'm sure you'll get a better feel of what corps. and sites deserve internal links as you complete more work. Something else to keep in mind!

That is, sections at the end of the article (before the references section) with external links are great, and appreciated. But when those terms appear in the main article internal links are better. An example of this can be seen in my edits for Stephane Van Gelder.Andrew

more internal links

yeah i understand. Will use more internal linking in the future. Thanks Andrew. --Pulasthi 00:52, 1 February 2011 (PST)