Rightside is the Registry and Registrar business of Demand Media. It was started in 2013 as a way to separate the various businesses that Demand Media operates.
Industry: | Registry, Domain Name Services |
Founded: | 2013 |
Ownership: | Owned by Demand Media |
Headquarters: | 5808 Lake Washington Blvd., Kirkland, WA 98033 |
Country: | USA |
Products: | New gTLDs, Domain Services |
Website: | Rightside.co |
Blog: | Rightside Blog |
Key People | |
Taryn Naidu, CEO and Director |
As the new Internet naming arm of Demand Media
Rightside is the Registry applicant for a number of TLDs in the New gTLD Program. They applied for a number of them on their own and became owners of a number of TLDs through a partnership with Donuts. They currently have the following TLDs in their portfolio: