Hi there ! My name is Abhishek Ghosh. I am a 30 years old (actually I am young lol), single male with one pair of parents and a pet bird! I am from India. I know this webpage will be checked manually. Anyway, I am using UNIX since last two decades. By earned degree, I am an Orthopedic Surgeon (MD, what you refer in US; in India, its said MS for surgical sciences). I am a DMOZ Editor/Meta, WordPress Developer (core)...it is quite pathetic to write in this way about oneself ! Possibly, the best thing will be, if you visit my technology blog (its HSTS Peload listed, not a web spam!) or check my Google+ Profile or Twitter Profile.
Why I Joined ICANN or Rather Created This Profile?
To expand my sphere! I have hunger for Knowledge. I am a business person.
Dr. Young L. Moon (MD, Orthopedics; PhD) 's team set the 3D Medical Standard in IEEE. I have a kind of thought to propose a new domain `ortho`. From ICANN's original site I got this Wiki.
I will check this Wiki's to do stuffs, rules and add goals here.