Olivier Dagenais

Olivier Dagenais portrait.JPG
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Affiliation: University of Quebec in Montreal
Country: Canada
Email: o.dagenais [at] gmail.com
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   [Olivier Dagenais Olivier Dagenais]

Olivier Dagenais is currently a graduate student at the University of Quebec in Montreal, specializing in U.S. foreign policy and DNS governance, working for prof. Michèle Rioux at the Center for Studies on Integration and Globalization (CEIM). Mr. Dagenais is also director of programming for Geekfest Montreal.


B.A - Political Science, UQAM, M.A International Relations, UQAM in progress


Olivier is interested in Internet governance, U.S. foreign policy and the political economy of telecommunications.


Olivier speaks French and English.
