.cr is the ccTLD for Costa Rica. It is managed by the Academia Nacional de Ciencias (National Academy of Sciences).[1]

Rules and Restrictions

Individuals or legal entities domiciled in Costa Rica or abroad may apply for the registration of a domain name.[2]

Reserved terms

NIC Costa Rica will reserve the following terms:

  • a domain name that matches one of the categories created under the ccTLD .cr;
  • a domain name that matches a generic top-level domain name;
  • a domain name that matches a term commonly used in the Internet world or that refers to a technical word related to the field of computing.
  • a personal domain names, consisting exclusively of the first surname or a combination of first names, surnames, and/or hyphens, must have a direct relationship with the domain applicant.[2]

Second-level Domains

  • .ac.cr (academic): Universities, Postgraduate Centers, and Research Institutions, all with academic and research purposes. In the case of public universities, they must be recognized by the Consejo Nacional de Rectores (CONARE) (English: National Council of Rectors), and in the case of private universities, by the Consejo de Educación Superior (CONESUP) (English: Council of Higher Education). They are granted to public institutions free of charge.
  • .co.cr (commercial): Legal entities or individuals engaged in commercial or other activities.
  • .ed.cr (education): Preschool, primary, secondary, and para-university education centers, as well as other educational institutions authorized by the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica or education centers created by law, state decrees, and government agreements. They are granted to public institutions free of charge.
  • .fi.cr (financial): Financial entities in the Republic of Costa Rica regulated and authorized by the Consejo Nacional de Supervisión del Sistema Financiero (CONASSIF) (English: National Council for the Supervision of the Financial System) through the Financial Superintendencies (SUGEF, SUPEN, SUGEVAL, and SUGESE), members of the Sistema de Banca de Desarrollo (English: Development Banking System) or the Red Nacional de Cooperativas (English:National Cooperative Network), and by their nature, the Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica (English: Costa Rican Chamber of Banks and Financial Institutions) and the Asociación Bancaria Costarricense (English: Costa Rican Banking Association).
  • .go.cr (government): Government sector and supreme powers of the Republic of Costa Rica. These are exclusive to the government sector of the Republic of Costa Rica. These domains are not available for sale and are granted free of charge to the sector.
  • .or.cr (organizational): Voluntary Associations or Non-Governmental Organizations.
  • .sa.cr (health): Entities that make up the Health Sector of the Republic of Costa Rica in accordance with the current Executive Decree of the Health Sector Constitution. They are granted to public institutions free of charge.

Entities wishing to register third-level domain names under .ac.cr, .ed.cr, .fi.cr, .or.cr, .sa.cr from abroad may do so, provided they have a branch or representation in Costa Rica.[2]


Specifications for the domain name:

  • the total length of a domain name must not exceed sixty-three 63 characters;
  • valid characters are the letters of the English alphabet from A to Z, numbers from 0 to 9, and the hyphen (-);
  • domain names must not begin or end with a hyphen (-) or contain two consecutive hyphens (–).[2]
