Status: | Active |
Country: | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Registry Provider: | University Telinformatic Centre |
Registrations: | https://nic.ba |
Date Implemented: | 1996 |
Type: | ccTLD |
More information: |
.ba is the ccTLD for Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is one of the first ccTLDs to be used on the Internet's Domain Name System.[1] It is managed by University Tele-Informatics Centre in Sarajevo.
Rules edit
Subdomains edit
The .ba ccTLD domain, in accordance with ICANN's international recommendations, i.e., RFC 1591, is divided into standard subdomains: a) .com.ba – delegated, b) .edu.ba – intended for registration by institutions engaged in education: primary, secondary, and vocational schools registered with the relevant ministries, as well as private schools, and business entities (companies) registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina whose primary activity is education or training, c) .gov.ba – intended for registration by bodies of all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina and state agencies, d) .mil.ba – intended for registration by military bodies, e) .net.ba – intended for registration by entities that are legal Internet service providers in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, f) .org.ba – intended for registration by organizations and citizen associations, cultural institutions, museums, theaters, and other non-profit legal entities.
For the registration of the subdomains .edu.ba, .gov.ba, .mil.ba, .net.ba, and .org.ba, it is necessary to submit a copy of the notification of activity classification or another document that can prove that the legal entity meets the conditions from the General Terms for the registration of these subdomains.[2]
Restrictions edit
- .ba domain name registration is open to individual registrants but they must provide proof of local presence.
- Companies from anywhere in the world can register a .BA domain name. No local presence is required but the domain owner must provide a valid VAT number if their company is European or company registration number if their company is non-European.[3]
The domain name must not represent an expression of racial, religious, or national intolerance, or hate speech. The domain name must comply with generally accepted standards of decency and morality.[2]
Characters edit
- It consists exclusively of characters from the set comprising: 26 letters of the English alphabet (uppercase and lowercase letters are not distinguished), numbers from 0 to 9, and the hyphen (-),
- The first and last character in the sequence cannot be a hyphen "-", and the hyphen "-" cannot appear twice in a row within the sequence, and
- It consists of at least three and at most 63 characters. Exceptions are domain names under .edu.ba, .org.ba, .net.ba, .gov.ba, and .mil.ba, which consist of at least two and at most 63 characters.[2]