.im is the ccTLD for the Isle of Man. It is managed by the Isle of Man Government. [1] nic.im is the official registry for .im.[2]

Rules and Restrictions edit

Any organisation or individual can register a .im domain name.[3]

Certain domain names are not permitted, for example domain names which contain profanity and racist or offensive words.[4]

Second and Third-Level Domains edit

".co.im", ".plc.co.im", ".ltd.co.im" ".ac.im" and ".org.im" are available for registration.[3]

Characters edit

The domain name under .im may only contain the following characters or a combination thereof:

  • the twenty-six unaccented Roman letters (i.e. a-z inclusive);
  • the ten western digits (i.e. 0-9 inclusive);
  • hyphens;
  • The first or last characters may not be a hyphen.

Internationalised domain names (IDNs) are not currently offered and so domain names that start with the characters "xn--" (i.e. "xn" followed by two dashes) may not be registered.

The complete domain name may not be more than sixty-four Characters long in total, but can be any number from 3 to 64 (inclusive of ".im").[4]

References edit