Carolina Gomide Araujo

Carolina Gomide Araujo is a Brazilian researcher and a NextGen@ICANN participant at ICANN 76. She holds a law degree and is a Master's student at the University of São Paulo, researching digital sovereignty and observing how local particularities balance out in global decisions about Internet Governance.

Organization: University of São Paulo
Affiliation: University of São Paulo
Country: Brazil
LinkedIn:    Carolina Gomide Araujo

She is a Researcher in the group "Political Constitutions and Institutions," at the University of São Paulo (USP), where she discusses the theory of digital constitutionalism. She is also a researcher in the group "ModeraLab," at the Institute for Technology and Society of Rio de Janeiro (ITS Rio).

She is a Member of the Brazilian chapter of the Internet Society and two special groups: Internet Society Gender Standing Group and Internet Society Youth Standing Group.

She is a Civic Innovation Ambassador for the Brazilian chapter of the NGO Open Knowledge Brasil working on transparency in data governance.