Christa Taylor

Country: USA
Email: christa[at]


Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 47 - Durban playing card deck

Christa Taylor is the Founder of Dot TBA, which she founded in 2012. Dot TBA provides financial assitance for new gTLD applicants, such as financial, revenue, and registration projections. The business has an additional focus of working with applicants in contention sets, providing contention set analysis and services related to ICANN's clarifying questions.[1]

Ms. Taylor has been involved in the domain industry since 2000; she is the previous President and CEO of Poker.COM Inc. (a NASDAQ publicly traded company). She is a financial modeling expert, a CMA, and holds a MBA in eCommerce.[2]

ICANN76 Playing Card Illustration

Christa is a very active adventurer who likes surfing. Her illustration is in an athletic pose and is dressed like Lara Croft, in shades of Egyptian and Royal Blue, with small crossbows and her favorite animal, a Sifaka lemur, on her shoulder.
