Dhananjeyan Thangavelu

Dhananjeyan Thangavelu is the President and CEO at DCZ.com, Founder and CEO at VEG.AS, co-founder and CEO at LTV Global, Inc.

Affiliation: LTV GLOBAL, INC.
Country: India
Email: dj [at] dcz.com
LinkedIn:    Dhananjeyan Thangavelu

In addition to attending ICANN Meetings Thangavelu also participates in the IGF, NamesCon, DomainFest.

Founded LTV Group of companies in early 2006, and contributed to the Internet community with B2B as well as B2C services. Thangavelu has eleven years of extensive experience leading multiple organizations and managing cross-cultural teams across the globe. [1][2]


  • Microsoft Certified Professional since 2003, and an MVP.


Thangavelu obtained their Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.), Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology from Jamal Mohamed College.


  1. Dhananjeyan Thangavelu LinkedIn. Retrieved 05 Apr 2016.
  2. ICANNWiki - ICANN 55 Intake Form, Mar 2016