Doreen Leona Lango graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Management and Administration at the University of South Pacific (USP) Suva Fiji in 1998. She started working as a Mapping officer for the Policy and Planning, Ministry of Education. A year later she joined a local telecom company Telecom Vanuatu Limited (TVL) introducing GIS as a tool to design underground networks for both copper and fiber networks. The tool was also used to map Radio networks and mobile coverage. She finished working for TVL as a Sales Customer Care and Distribution Manager and joined Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR) as a consultant in GIS and ICT Special projects. One of the projects was launched the first-ever ICT Days in Vanuatu in 2012 with the theme Women and Girls in ICT. The GIS database was implemented and a training guide was developed.

Organization: Women and Girls in ICT Vanuatu
Region: Pacific Islands
Country: Vanuatu

She left TRR to join the Vanuatu National Provident Fund (VNPF) when she was managing the Broadband pilot project on the Universal Access Policy at Rensarie college, Malekula. She started the Women and Girls in ICT for Vanuatu launched the Association and its constitution in 2015. Every year we celebrate Women and Girls in ICT in Vanuatu every fourth Thursday of the fourth week of April.

She is also a member of the SMART Sistas group, promoting and empowering girls in ICT through coding and programming. We have SMART Sistas girls ICT camp every year during the ICT Days in May.