Eric Harrington

Affiliation: Harrington Enterprises
Country: USA
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Eric Harrington

Eric Harrington is the owner of Harrington Enterprises.[1] He has previously served as the Founder & former President at, a domain name registrations, sales, and monetization company.

Eric Harrington has an MBA in Entrepreneurship & Finance from Harvard Business School and BSME in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University.

Career History

  • Manufacturing Engineer, Ford Motor Company, 1989 - 1991.
  • Corporate Audit Manager, General Electric, 1991 - 1995.
  • Senior Director/Corporate Strategic Planning Director, Emerson Electric Co., 1997 — 1999.
  • Owner, Vital Power Solutions, 2009 - 2010.
  • Owner, Harrington Enterprises, March 2008 - Present.
