Organization: Ajman Univesity
Affiliation: ALAC, Fellowship Program, GNSO, RSSAC
Region: Asia
Country: Pakistan
Email: naveedbinrais[at]

   Ajman University

LinkedIn:    Rao Naveed Bin Rais
Featured in the ICANN 52 - Singapore playing card deck

Rao Naveed Bin Rais is working as Professor in the Computer Engineering Department at College of Engineering and Information Technology, Ajman University, Ajman[1] since August 2016. He has been previously employed at Capital University of Science & Technology, in Islamabad, and at the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology in Lahore, Pakistan.[2] He completed Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Systems from National University of Science & Technology, Pakistan in 2002. Later, he received MS in Networks and Distributed Systems and Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France.

He has been an ICANN Fellow in different capacities as ICANN Fellow, ICANN Fellow Coach, ICANN Fellowship Lead, Community Mentor, ICANN Fellowship Community Mentor, and as a member of Community Onboarding Pilot Program. He was first selected as an ICANN Fellow for ICANN50 in London[3][4] held in June 2014. Since then, Rais has participated in a number of ICANN meetings including, ICANN52 in Singapore, ICANN53 in Buenos Aires, ICANN54 in Dublin, ICANN55 in Marrakech, ICANN 56 in Helsinki, ICANN59 in Johannesburg, ICANN60 in Abu Dhabi, ICANN62 in Panama City, ICANN63 in Barcelona, ICANN64 in Kobe, ICANN65 in Marrakech and ICANN 66 held in Montreal.

Rais is currently a member of At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) appointed by Nomcom for Asia, Australia and Pacific Islands region[5]. Previously, he has served on 2nd Security, Stability and Resilience Review Team (SSR2-RT) as a representative of gNSO[6]. He has also been a member of NCUC/NCSG, associated with APRALO, and worked with the SSR team at ICANN for DNSSEC related issues. Moreover, he is also a member of the RSSAC Caucus at ICANN[7]. He has also drafted the Coaching Guidelines for ICANN Fellowship and lead the working party to finalize the coaching guidelines. Rais also helped in designing the ICANN Learn Course for Fellowship Coaches.

Rais has previously served as President of Internet Society Islamabad Chapter and a board member of PK-NOG. He has also been a fellow of Internet Society for Internet Engineering Task Force for IETF92 and IETF100.

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