Sonam Keba is a System administrator for the Contact Center in Bhutan Telecom, the largest Telecom and Internet Service provider in the country. Keba's role requires configuration of new Contact Center Customers, designing call flows and oversee the smooth running of the contact center. They resolve technical issues related to systems and also handle IT projects. Apart from Keba's normal work, they are also interested in the functioning of core networks on the Internet and the transition of IPv6.

Country: Bhutan
Email: sonam.keba [at]


Twitter:    @sonamkeba


Keba believes that ICANN meetings are a very important forum, especially in order to participate and become educated in the aspects of the internet and its usages. [1] [2]


  1. [ APNIC Website. Retrieved 04 Mar 2016.]
  2. ICANN 55 Fellowship Interview