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===Public Comment and Board Action at ICANN 13===
===Public Comment and Board Action at ICANN 13===
At [[ICANN 13]] in Bucharest, the public forum provided an opportunity for feedback on the Blueprint for Reform.<ref>[ Archives - Public Forum Transcript], July 27, 2002 (Afternoon Session)</ref>
At [[ICANN 13]] in Bucharest, the public forum provided an opportunity for feedback on the Blueprint for Reform.<ref>[ Archives - Public Forum Transcript], July 27, 2002 (Afternoon Session)</ref> The comments provided were extensive, and addressed all areas of the Blueprint. At the board meeting in Bucharest, the board discussed a proposed set of resolutions regarding the Blueprint, and made some amendments and changes based on public comments and board member feedback. Noting that "it is now time to move forward with implementation with confidence that while the Blueprint may not satisfy everyone, it provides the right foundation on which ICANN can build for the future," the board passed the following resolutions:
* the board adopted and endorsed the Blueprint for Reform;
* the ERC was instructed to engage in further implementation and transition work based on the blueprint and with the input of the ICANN community, and propose implementation recommendations in time for public and board deliberation and action at [[ICANN 14]] in Shanghai;
* the ICANN President was instructed to provide all necessary assistance to the ERC;
* the board took note of several issues raised by the community, and instructed the ERC to "take due account of these issues as it moves forward in the implementation process, namely, the need to:
** devise and incorporate specific measures to ensure, to the extent feasible, geographic and cultural diversity in all parts of ICANN structure, which have been key core values of ICANN since its inception, and remain so today, as expressed in the ERC Blueprint for Reform;
** consider the creation of an At Large Advisory Committee as a potential vehicle for informed participation in ICANN by the broad user community;
** ensure that the composition and operation of the Nominating Committee in fact represents a balance among all segments of the Internet community;
** collaborate with critical infrastructure providers and the technical community to further the establishment of effective working relationships; and
** ensure that ICANN's policy development processes enhance and promote a transparent bottom-up process;"
* any additional opportunities to strengthen ICANN's capacity to fulfill its mission that were discovered during implementation planning or action should be considered and utilized as appropriate; and
* the board thanked the ICANN community for its thoughtful and engaged dialogue regarding the evolution and reform of ICANN, as well as the volunteers who had committed time and effort to the process to date.<ref>[ Board Meeting Minutes], June 28, 2002</ref>
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