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A Cross-Community Working Group is an [[ICANN]] community of practice that allows Supporting Organizations ([[SO]]s) and Advisory Committees ([[AC]]s) to work together to address an issue of common interest that does not fall within the scope of any single SO or AC.
A Cross-Community Working Group is an [[ICANN]] community of practice that allows Supporting Organizations ([[SO]]s) and Advisory Committees ([[AC]]s) to work together to address an issue of common interest that does not fall within the scope of any single SO or AC.
==Key Characteristics==
* Adoption of a single charter drafted by a cross community drafting team comprising
participants from all SO/ACs participating in the CCWG
* the drafting team relies on the principles and recommendations contained in the [ "Uniform Framework of Principles and Recommendations for Cross Community Working Groups"] document
* The chartering organizations appoint members according to their own rules and procedures, including the need to provide for a Statement of Interest 
* Diversity of representation to the extent feasible, including geographical region, stakeholder group and relevant skill sets
* members report regularly to their respective chartering organizations
* Deliverables are submitted to all the chartering organizations for adoption/approval/support/non-objection and then to the [[ICANN Board]]
* The chartering organizations shall not change the content of the deliverables
* Sufficient opportunity should be provided for non-participating organizations to give input on draft CCWG deliverables<ref>[ CCWG Uniform Framework 2016, GNSO, ICANN]</ref>
Bureaucrats, Check users, lookupuser, Administrators, translator
