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ICANN's primary role is to coordinate the Internet naming system worldwide.<ref>[ About ICANN]</ref> According to former [[ICANN CEO]], [[Rod Beckstrom]], the ICANN multistakeholder model serves as the catalyst for the internet and he describes it as open, inclusive, balancing, effective and international.<ref>
ICANN's primary role is to coordinate the Internet naming system worldwide.<ref>[ About ICANN]</ref> According to former [[ICANN CEO]], [[Rod Beckstrom]], the ICANN multistakeholder model serves as the catalyst for the internet and he describes it as open, inclusive, balancing, effective and international.<ref>
[ Beckstrom Points to Multi-stakeholder Model as “Catalyst for the Internet”]</ref> During the Futurecom Information Technology conference in Sao Paulo, he said that the multistakeholder model is aimed at "increasing the participation of diverse groups from all around the globe" and praised Brazil's  decision to adopt a multi-stakeholder approach in governing the country's Internet. He said, ''“It is an example of the Brazilian government’s wisdom in saying we want the private sector, we want the civil society, and academic leaders, Internet experts and corporations to come together and provide the Internet Strategy for the country.”''<ref>[ Rod Beckstrom praises Brazil's Multi Stakeholder Model of Internet Coordination]</ref>
[ Beckstrom Points to Multi-stakeholder Model as “Catalyst for the Internet”]</ref> During the Futurecom Information Technology conference in Sao Paulo, he said that the multistakeholder model is aimed at "increasing the participation of diverse groups from all around the globe" and praised Brazil's  decision to adopt a multi-stakeholder approach in governing the country's Internet. He said, ''“It is an example of the Brazilian government’s wisdom in saying we want the private sector, we want the civil society, and academic leaders, Internet experts and corporations to come together and provide the Internet Strategy for the country.”''<ref>[ Rod Beckstrom praises Brazil's Multi Stakeholder Model of Internet Coordination]</ref>
==2021-2025 Strategic Plan - Evolving ICANN's Multistakeholder Model==
During its strategic planning process, the [[ICANN Board]] identified the improvement of ICANN's multistakeholder governance model as a core goal for the five-year strategic plan beginning in fiscal year 2021.<ref name="msmhome">[ - Governance Plan - Enhancing the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model], April 8, 2019</ref>
===Draft Issues List & Public Comment===
The Board held a session on governance at [[ICANN 63]] as a kick-off to efforts to solicit feedback the community around the topic of improving the MSM.<ref>[ ICANN Blog - Update from the Board's Los Angeles Workshop], February 2, 2019</ref> The effort to collect community feedback and define the issues was led by [[Brian Cute]].<ref name="impblog">[ ICANN Blog - Enhancing the MSM moves into implementation], October 14, 2020</ref> The work continued at [[ICANN 64]], and in April 2019, a draft issues list<ref name="draftlist">[ Draft Issues List - Evolving the MSM], April 25, 2019 (PDF)</ref> was published for public comment.<ref>[ Public Comment: Evolving the Multistakeholder Model], April 25, 2019</ref> The Draft Issue List included twenty-one issues, ranging from structural to cultural, that the community believed impacted the effectiveness of the MSM.<ref name="draftlist" /> The Draft Issues List received nineteen comments during the public comment period.<ref name="draftpcreport">[ Staff Report on Public Comment Process], June 20, 2019 (PDF)</ref> ICANN staff identified broad agreement that the listed issues had impacts on the effectiveness of the MSM. Several commenters noted that the issues were interwoven, and many offered solutions to specific issues.<ref name="draftpcreport" />
===Final Issues List===
Through continued sessions at ICANN Meetings and the public comment process on the Draft Issues List, the Issues List was refined and condensed into a Final Issues List, published in June 2019.<ref name="finalissues">[ Final Issues List - Evolving the MSM], June 20, 2019</ref> Brian Cute noted in a blog post that the intention was to continue the community dialogue at [[ICANN 65]].<ref>[ ICANN Blog - Evolving the MSM: Continuing the Conversation and Preparing for ICANN 65], May 29, 2019</ref> The Final Issues List substantially narrowed the range of issues being addressed, noting that some issues raised by the community were symptoms, rather than causes, of inefficiency in the multistakeholder model.<ref name="finalissues" /> The final list presented eleven issue clusters to focus on in the evolution of the MSM:
#Prioritization of the Work;
#Precision in Scoping Work;
#Representativeness and Inclusiveness;
#Terms of service in leadership positions;
#Recruitment and Demographics;
#Efficient Use of Resources;
#Culture, Trust, and Silos;
#Roles, Responsibilities, and a Holistic View of ICANN.<ref name="finalissues" />
===Next Steps and Implementation===
The Final Issues List stated that the issue clusters would be mapped to a work plan, and acted on by issue teams from the community, ACs, SOs, and the Board.<ref name="finalissues" /> At [[ICANN 65]], Brian Cute facilitated a conversation regarding delegation of issue areas, timing of proposals to improve operations over the course of the five-year strategic plan, and other topics.<ref name="icann65">[ ICANN 65 Archive - Evolving the MSM], June 25, 2019 (registration with required)</ref> Cute's presentation at the meeting emphasized that continued community input would be necessary to implement the work plan and help resolve the issues.<ref name="icann65" /> The session was used to identify the responsible parties for each issue cluster, and create a rough draft of the work plan.<ref>[ Video Replay, ICANN 65 Evolving the MSM], June 25, 2019</ref>
====2019 "Next Steps" Draft====
After the ICANN 65 session, Cute published a "Next Steps" document for public comment.<ref name="19nextsteps">[ Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's MSM], June 4, 2020 (PDF)</ref> The report provided links out to existing work projects or PDPs that might solve or alleviate the issues, and requested feedback regarding the sufficiency of those possible solutions already in progress.<ref name="19nextsteps" />
There was no ICANN-led public comment period on Cute's 2019 Next Steps document. The next public comment period related to the work plan was in December 2019, when public comment was requested on the draft operating and financial plan for 2021-2025.<ref>[ Public Comment Archive - Draft Operating Plan], December 20, 2019</ref> The draft plan acknowledged the work, feedback, and comments submitted during the conversation about evolving the MSM, and committed to structuring a work plan that advanced that work and was responsive to feedback and comments.<ref>[ Draft Operating and Financial Plan, FY 2021-2025], December 20, 2019 (PDF)</ref>
====2020 "Next Steps" Draft====
In June 2020, ICANN Org published "Enhancing the Effectiveness of ICANN's MSM - Next Steps" for public comment.<ref>[ Public Comment Archive - Enhancing the Effectiveness of ICANN's MSM], June 4, 2020</ref> The document consolidated the findings and work on the issues discussed within the community. It narrowed the number of issues to six, in order of priority:
# Prioritization of the work and efficient use of resources
# Precision in scoping the work
# Consensus, representation, and inclusivity
# Complexity
# Culture, trust, and silos
# Roles and responsibilities<ref name="20nextsteps">[ Enhancing the Effectiveness of the MSM - Next Steps], June 4, 2020 (PDF)</ref>
The Board suggested that the initial focus should be on the top three issues:
<blockquote>These three high-priority topics present opportunities to build on existing work, and, with some added effort and greater coordination, to add value to the evolution of ICANN’s multistakeholder model. The remaining three topics – the complexity of (A) tools to access information and data and (B) content; culture, trust and silos; and roles and responsibilities -- also represent important areas of community concern. However, with limited time and resources, the Board proposes that the community revisits these topics later in the Operating and Financial Plan’s five-year time frame. Further, the remaining three topics may be more representative of symptoms of the three high-priority topics, and may not immediately lend themselves to tangible or practical solutions. In comparison, the three priority work areas speak to issues which may lend themselves to clearer and more implementable solutions.<ref name="20nextsteps" /></blockquote>
The document focused on scoping the top three issues, identifying existing work that may solve or ameliorate those issues, and then identifying gaps where existing planning and policy development work are unable to resolve specific issues.<ref name="20nextsteps" />
Public comments, particularly from SOs and ACs, were largely in agreement with the prioritization of the issues and the proposed actions on those issues.<ref>[ Staff Report on Public Comment Process], September 3, 2020 (PDF)</ref>
====Implementation Phase====
In October 2020, [[Maarten Botterman]] posted an update on the process and announced that the strategic objective to evolve the MSM was moving into the implementation phase.<ref name="impblog" /> At the same time, the Board released a final draft of the 2020 Next Steps document.<ref>[ Final Draft: Enhancing the Effectiveness of the MSM - Next Steps], October 14, 2020 (PDF)</ref><ref>[ Redline Version - Enhancing the Effectiveness of the MSM - Next Steps], October 14, 2020 (PDF)</ref>
==Debate over ICANN's Multistakeholder Model==
==Debate over ICANN's Multistakeholder Model==
Bureaucrats, Check users, lookupuser, Administrators, translator
