
About Sunny Chendi
Srinivas Chendi is APNIC’s Senior Advisor for Policy and Community Development and also Liaison Officer for the South Asia region. Srinivas supports the APNIC community in the resource Policy Development Process and provides policy analysis internally for APNIC Secretariat functions. Srinivas also represents APNIC at an economy and regional level, and is responsible for enhancing the levels of community participation among Members and stakeholders in the region.

Some of Srinivas’s current responsibilities at APNIC include, Policy Development, Fellowship Program Manager, Chair of APNIC Fellowship Committee, Bi-annual APNIC conference Program Manager, Co-chair of APNIC Program Committee, Community development (NOGs, SIGs, root servers, IXPs, etc.), Internet Governance and strategic partnerships.

==Current positions outside of APNIC==
* Member of South Asia Network Operators Group (SANOG) core-committee.
* Member of India Network Operators Group (INNOG) Fellowship and Program Committees.
* Member of Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) Fellowship Committee and Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee.
* Member of Working Group for Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program (APILP).
* Member of Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance (APSIG) Fellowship and Program Committees.
* Member of Asia Pacific Next Generation (APNG) Executive Committee.
* Member of Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy (APIGA) Organizing Committee.
* Member of India School of Internet Governance (inSIG) and Youth Internet Governance Forum India (inYIGF) Steering and Fellowships Committees.
* Member of Pakistan School of Internet Governance (PKSIG) Organizing Committee.
* Commissioner for Declarations (Cdec) under Department of Justice and Attorney-General, Queensland Government, Australia
