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Adam Peake is an Executive Research Fellow at [[GLOCOM]]. He works on telecommunications and broadband policy, Internet governance ([[IGF]] and [[ICANN]]).
Adam Peake works at the Center for Global Communications ([[GLOCOM]]), a research institute located in Tokyo. His interests are the intersection of public policy and the Internet, and promoting information and communication technologies in society. At [[GLOCOM]] he works on projects related to telecommunications and broadband policy, network and information security and follow-up activities for the World Summit on the Information Society ([[WSIS]]). Mr Peake participated in the G8 DOT Force where [[GLOCOM]] was the Japanese NPO representative. He has co-led [[GLOCOM]]’s work on [[WSIS]], including [[GLOCOM]]’s role as facilitator of NGO/Civil Society participation in the Asia and Pacific Regional [[WSIS]] Conference, January 2003, and [[WSIS]] Thematic meeting “Tokyo Ubiquitous Network Conference” in May 2005. He has been a coordinator of the [[WSIS]] Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus since the Geneva Summit and is a member of the Public Interest Registry ([[.ORG]]) Advisory Council and Associate Chair of [[ICANN]]’s 2006 Nominating Committee.
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