
Added Dustin to ICANNWiki Staff.
'''ICANNWiki''' is a non-profit dedicated to empowering participants within ICANN and beyond to understand the fundamental underpinnings of the Internet Governance ecosystem. This work is a bottom-up process, much like the multistakeholder model that guides ICANN. Stakeholders from across the globe can contribute to the wealth of knowledge about ICANN and IG, now in four languages.

In addition to the work contributed by the multitude of users, ICANNWiki is guided by a small staff dedicated to keeping the site diverse, informative and welcoming. Here is our current staff for 2017:

==Dustin Phillips==
Dustin Phillips is Co-Executive Director at ICANNWiki. He has been with ICANNWiki since ICANN53 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and during his tenure has focused his energy on making ICANNWiki more accessible and engaging. Dustin also works with the Washington DC Chapter of the Internet Society as Assistant Director, where he is helping with the development of the Internet Policy Forum.

'''What excites you most about ICANNWiki?''' I’ve been with ICANNWiki for a 1.5 years and I was blessed to have had a strong lineup of leaders and contributors on this project before me that built ICANNWiki into one of the most trusted, thorough and reliable resources on the world of ICANN. Through their hard work, my co-director, Jackie, and I have been put in a great position to build the resource and use it to enhance engagement in ICANN and Internet governance worldwide. I get the most excited about ICANNWiki, when I see its potential to build capacity for a truly inclusive and diverse multistakeholder community. Through ICANNWiki we are able to continually build and improve an encyclopedic documentation of ICANN and translate that content into a growing number of languages that enable more people to learn about and participate in the governance of the Internet in a way that is relevant to them. As the Internet reaches more of the world, it is essential that newly connected communities are able to understand the Internet and how it is governed, enabling them to participate in shaping the future of the Internet in a way that benefits them. I believe that ICANNWiki is playing an important role in making this possible.