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# If a registrant fails to update the disputed information within an agreed period, Registrars must place a Registrar Hold status to the domain name until the Whois information for the said domain name is updated.
# If a registrant fails to update the disputed information within an agreed period, Registrars must place a Registrar Hold status to the domain name until the Whois information for the said domain name is updated.
# The Registrar Hold Status will be removed only if the registrant contacts the registrar confirming that domain name's contact information was updated with a correct and verifiable information.
# The Registrar Hold Status will be removed only if the registrant contacts the registrar confirming that domain name's contact information was updated with a correct and verifiable information.
* The Task Force also suggested that ICANN needs to change its May 10, 2002 Registrar Advisory <ref>[ Registrar Advisory Concerning Whois Data Accuracy]</ref> to inclde include the following information:
* The Task Force also suggested that ICANN needs to change its May 10, 2002 Registrar Advisory <ref>[ Registrar Advisory Concerning Whois Data Accuracy]</ref> to include the following reminders to registrars:
# "Willful provision of inaccurate or unreliable information" is a material breach of the registration agreement, without regard to any failure to respond to a registrar inquiry. A functional definition -- based on the actual usability of contact details -- should be used for “inaccurate or unreliable”.
#"Accepting unverified 'corrected' data from a registrant that has already deliberately provided incorrect data generally is not [not "may not be," as the advisory now states] appropriate."
==Whois Task Force Members==
==Whois Task Force Members==
