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With the computer we could offload mental processes to machines. They could calculate far faster and more  accurately than humans, and had more accurate memory for data and could compare and manipulate it for us much faster. These machines made it possible to offload a lot of our thinking the way machines allowed us to offload physical labor.  
With the computer we could offload mental processes to machines. They could calculate far faster and more  accurately than humans, and had more accurate memory for data and could compare and manipulate it for us much faster. These machines made it possible to offload a lot of our thinking the way machines allowed us to offload physical labor.  
=== A more Complete Understanding of Evolution ===
=== A More Complete Understanding of Evolution ===
Just like everything evolution is evolving. Not just our understanding of evolution is evolving - but evolution itself is evolving.
Evolution was first expressed in terms of "survival of the fittest." envoking images of to males fighting to the death and the survivor gets the prize of mating with the female. Or the eagle with the better eyesight gets more mice to eat than the eagle more nearsighted. Genetic mutation causing random differences and those that provide a benefit become the dominate trait over long periods of time.
=== The Internet causes Humans to experience Hyper-Evolution ===
=== The Internet causes Humans to experience Hyper-Evolution ===
