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|stakeholdergroup=Civil Society/Non-Governmental
|affiliation= IRPC, Internet_Society, APSIG, APrIGF, Nepal IGF, Nepal SIG
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'''Shreedeep Rayamajhi''' is the founder of Rayznews which is an internet organization <ref></ref> and has been working in creating awareness and researching about Internet Governance issues. <ref></ref> He is also the founder of the Learn Internet Governance.<ref></ref> He is the founding member of the Internet Society Nepal Chapter<ref></ref> and has worked as an Executive Member from 2007 to 2013.  
'''Shreedeep Rayamajhi''' is the founder of [[Rayznews]], which is an internet organization,<ref></ref> and has been working towards creating awareness of [[Internet Governance]] issues in the Asia Pacific and globally. <ref></ref> He is also the founder of the [[Learn_Internet_Governance]], an internet initiative for #internet4all concept.<ref></ref> He is the founding member of the [[Internet Society]] Nepal Chapter<ref></ref> and has worked as an executive member from 2007 to 2013. He is a member of the [[Multistakeholder Steering Group]] (MSG) of the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum ([[APrIGF]]) and has served on various committees since 2013 in various capacities.<ref></ref> He is the founding member of the Dynamic Teen Coalition at the United Nations Internet Governance Forum.<ref></ref>
*e-Culture Awards "Acknowledgements" for your contribution to the "Global Crusade: e-Culture for all", in the period of Celebration of 10 years of Anilla Cultural in Uruguay.
*Awarded with the prestigious Tarek Kamel Fellowship Award ICANN77 <ref></ref>
*Selected as a fellow of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) for Internet Governance Forum 2022 Ethiopia
*3rd place winner of the [[ICANN 67]] [[ALAC| At-Large Social Media competition]]<ref></ref>
*Selected as a fellow of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) for Internet Governance Forum 2019 Germany<ref></ref>
*First Elected Secretary of [[APSIG]]  Executive Committee (2019.9.1- 2021.8.31) <ref name=":3"></ref>
*Signatory of [[Nepal IGF]]<ref></ref>
*Mentor of the Digital Grassroots Ambassador Program <ref></ref>
*Participated in the online consultation of UNESCO Internet universality indicators<ref></ref>
*Signatories of the Open [[WSIS+10]] Preparatory Process.<ref></ref>
*Selection Committee member for the United Nations President of the General Assembly's informal interactive consultations on World Summit on the Information Society+10 <ref> </ref>
==Career History==
[[File:01 Shreedeep.jpg|thumbnail|200px|left|Shreedeep was featured in the [[ICANN 78 - Hamburg Playing Card Deck]]]]
He was the member of the [[ICANN]] Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC) 2017 Selection <ref></ref>
He is also the Signatories of the Open [[WSIS+10]] Preparatory Process.<ref></ref> He is  the Member of the Multi-stakeholder steering Group(MSG) of Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum(APrIGF) and has served in various committee from 2013 at various capacity level.  <ref></ref>  
==Speaker and Representation ==
*Speaker for the APTLD85 in voice of Civil Society from RAYZNEWS in conetext of management and operation of dot np <ref></ref>
*Speaker for AI & Governance  Day 2 session on 11th of June, 2023 Forum Theme : “Introduction to AI and Future Challenge of Myanmar” Youth IGF Myanmar 2023 <ref></ref>
*Presenter | Speaker for Reshaping the Global Landscape 2022, 2nd International research Conference Southville International School and colleges held from 26-27 October 2022, Presentation on Survey Report on Disinformation and its Practice during COVID19 in Developing Countries by Shreeedeep Rayamajhi <ref></ref>
*Speaker for the "Global Crusade: e-Culture for all", conference and global initiative promoted by Anilla Cultural UY & Global Networks
*Participant of  USAID Digital Strategy Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA) project in Nepal  2020 from Rayznews<ref></ref>
*Speaker for workshop of "South Asia and Digital Sovereignty" organized by Association of Progressive Communications (APC) and Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) on  26th November, 2020 " The Internet Rules: Unboxing digital laws in South Asia"<ref></ref>
Similarly, in July 2015, Rayamajhi was selected as a Selection Committee member for the United Nations President of the General Assembly's informal interactive consultations on World Summit on the Information Society+10 <ref> </ref>
==Nepal Internet Governance Forum ==
Rayamajhi  played a significant role in the first [[Nepal IGF]], he is one of the signatories of the Nepal IGF.<ref></ref> He was speaker for 2 sessions and moderated two of the sessions himself <ref> </ref> and  He has been working towards raising awareness about Nepal IGF through his blogs and articles.<ref></ref> Working with various stakeholders and community leaders, shreedeep was elected as the Multistakeholder Steering group Member in the Nepal IGF.<ref></ref>
===ICANN Meetings===
*ICANN80,  ICANN Fellowship Mentor, Kigali, Rwanda
*ICANN79,  ICANN Fellowship Mentor, San Juan, Puerto Rico<ref name=":11" />
*ICANN78,  ICANN Fellowship Mentor, Hamburg, Germany<ref name=":11"></ref>
*APRALO Global Assembly, Istanbul, Turkey<ref></ref>
*[[ICANN 77]],  ICANN Fellowship participant Washington USA<ref></ref>
*[[ICANN 68]] , ICANN Fellowship participant Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia <ref name=":5" />
*[[ICANN 66]] ATLAS III Travellers, Montreal Canada<ref name=":5"></ref>     
*[[ICANN 65]]: ICANN Fellowship participant, Marrakesh Morocco <ref></ref>   
*[[ICANN 61]]: Coach ICANN 61 San Juan, Puerto Rico <ref></ref>
*[[ICANN 60]]:  ALS representative of [[Rayznews]] for the [[APRALO]] General Assembly, Abu Dhabi, UAE  <ref> </ref>
===<u>ICANN Community Involvement</u>===
'''ICANN 80, Kigali, Rwanda'''
* ICANN 80 Mentor <ref name=":12" />
'''ICANN 79, San Juan, Puerto Rico'''
* ICANN 79 Mentor <ref name=":12" />
'''ICANN 78, Hamburg, Germany'''
* ICANN 78 Mentor <ref name=":12"></ref>
'''ICANN 77, Washington, DC, USA'''
* ICANN Fellowship interaction and Meetup Program <ref></ref><ref></ref>
* Internet Ecosystem and Challenges of IPV6 in Nepal <ref></ref><ref></ref>
'''[[ICANN 76|ICANN 76, Mexico]]'''
*ICANN76 Preparation At-Large Capacity Building Workshop: The Art of Assertive Communication<ref></ref>
'''[[ICANN 75|ICANN 75, Malaysia]]'''
*Organized Boot Camp ICANN75 in association with [[Rayznews]], [[Learn Internet Governance]] and ICANN Circle<ref></ref> 
'''[[ICANN 70|ICANN 70, Mexico]]'''
*Conducted a preparation webinar on Social media Engagement for Social Media Working Group ICANN70<ref></ref>     
*Regional Chair, ICANN70  Social Media Working Group Virtual Policy Forum from APRALO<ref name=":8"></ref>     
'''[[ICANN 69|ICANN 69, Virtual]]'''
*Final Report of ICANN 69 for Social Media Engagement<ref></ref>     
*Conducted a preparation webinar on Social media Engagement for ICANN69<ref>;0&#x5D;=isPinned&sortByFields&#x5B;1&#x5D;=lastActivityAt&sortByOrders&#x5B;0&#x5D;=-1&sortByOrders&#x5B;1&#x5D;=-1&uid=a6ijir8iemBHYWRru</ref>     
*Regional Chair, ICANN 69  Social Media Working Group Virtual Policy Forum from APRALO<ref name=":8" />     
'''ICANN68, Malaysia'''
*Suggestion and Recommendation for pre ICANN68session <ref></ref>     
*Final Report of ICANN 68 for Social Media Engagement<ref></ref>     
*Regional Chair, ICANN 68  Social Media Working Group Virtual Policy Forum from APRALO<ref name=":9"></ref>     
'''[[ICANN 67|ICANN 67, Virtual]]'''
* Final Report of ICANN67 for Social Media Engagement<ref></ref>
* Regional Chair, ICANN 67  Social Media Working Group Virtual Policy Forum from APRALO<ref name=":9" />
*Social Media Strategy for [[APRALO]] <ref></ref>     
*Member of the [[ICANN]] [[BMSPC]] 2019-2020 Selection Committee <ref name=":6"></ref>     
*Member of [[ALS]]es Mobilization Working Party<ref></ref>
*Member of the [[ICANN]] [[BMSPC]] 2017 Selection Committee <ref name=":7"></ref>     
'''[[ICANN 67|ICANN 61, Puerto Rico]]'''
* NCUC Writing for Policy and Public Comment Training Feb-March  2018
==[[IGF|Internet Governance Forum]]==
'''IGF 2022, Ethiopia'''
* Recommendation and Suggestion on IGF Expert Group Meeting 2022<ref></ref>
'''IGF 2020, Online'''
* IGF 2020 Individual Recommendation <ref></ref>
'''IGF 2019, Germany'''
* Recommendation on Report of the UN Secretary-General’s ‎High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation by Shreedeep rayamajhi<ref></ref>
* Call for Issues of IGF2019<ref></ref>
'''IGF 2018, France'''
* Community Feedback Questionnaire on the Draft IGF Programme Framework Chart-2018<ref></ref>
* Contribution for the Connecting the Next Billion -Phase IV<ref></ref>
* Recommendation for Cyber security BPF <ref></ref>
* Recommendation for Youth Engagement at the IGF 2018 and Ways for Improvements<ref></ref>
* Recommendation for IGF2018 Call for Issues <ref></ref>
'''IGF 2017, Switzerland'''
* Awardee of the Amazon Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance Forum <ref></ref>
* Organizer and moderator of WS6 IG Grassroots initiatives Youth Leaders on the table<ref></ref>
* Recommendation for the Cyber security  BPF 2017<ref></ref>
* NRI Support recommendations <ref></ref>
* Policy options for connecting and enabling the next billion – phase iii call for public input<ref></ref>
* Recommendation regarding IGF2017<ref></ref>
'''IGF 2016, Mexico'''
* Speaker for WS14 "Asia and the Next Billion<ref></ref>
* Speaker for WS21 Open Source: A key enabler<ref></ref>
* NRI Group statement IGF2016 Mexico <ref></ref>
* Recommendation regarding IGF2016<ref></ref>
* NRI main Session recommendation IGF2016<ref></ref>
* Recommendation for connecting next billion IGF2016<ref></ref>
* Recommendation for the NRI group <ref></ref>
* Recommendation for BPF cyber security IGF2016<ref></ref>
'''IGF2015, Brazil'''
* GF 2015: Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion - Phase <ref></ref>
* Internet society IGF returning Ambassador <ref></ref>
* Challenges for national and regional IGF2015 <ref></ref>
'''IGF2014, Turkey'''
* Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2014 Best Practice Forum on Developing Meaningful Multistakeholder Mechanisms<ref></ref>
* Internet society IGF Ambassador <ref></ref>
'''IGF2013, Indonesia'''
* Participated in the IGF with the help of [[Internet Society]] through the Chapter development meeting <ref> </ref>
==The Internet Rights and Principles Coalition ([[IRPC]])==
*Translation of 10 Internet Rights and Principle in Nepali Language <ref></ref>
*IRPC steering committee members from 2016-2018<ref></ref>
=IGF Regional and National Initiatives=
*A Toolkit to assist communities in establishing the IGF initiatives <ref></ref>
*Youth Engagement Toolkit IGF<ref></ref>
==Schools of Internet Governance==
=== <u>North American School of Internet Governance ([[NASIG]])</u> ===
<u>'''North American School of Internet Governance 2023, Washington D.C, USA ([[NASIG]])'''</u>
* Participant and Fellow of NASIG 2023<ref></ref>
<u>'''North American School of Internet Governance 2019, Montreal, Canada ([[NASIG]])'''</u>
* Speaker of the Next Step in Internet at NASIG 2019<ref></ref>
* Lunchtime demo on Survey on Multistakeholderism in Developing Countries <ref>[]</ref>
* Participant and Fellow of NASIG 2019 <ref></ref>
===<u>Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance (APSIG)</u>===
Shreedeep was elected as the first secretary of the APSIG Executive Committee from 2019.9.1 to 2021.8.31<ref name=":3" />
'''<u>APSIG 2021 Sri Lanka</u>'''
* Organizing committee Member of APSIG 2021<ref></ref>
* Social Media Competition Committee Chair APSIG2021<ref></ref>
'''<u>APSIG 2020 Virtual</u>'''
* Organizer of Virtual APSIG 2020 zero day<ref></ref>
* Fellowship committee Member of APSIG 2020<ref></ref>
* Program committee member of  APSIG 2020<ref name=":2"></ref>
'''<u>APSIG 2019 Thailand</u>'''
* Program committee member of  APSIG 2019<ref name=":2" />
* Chair of the Lightning Talk Session <ref></ref>
* Member of the Annual APSIG Participant Recommendation Subcommittee<ref></ref>
* Organizer of the Ice Breaking Session <ref name=":0"></ref>
* Case study Session  Artificial Intelligence, Perspective and challenges of Developing nations <ref name=":0" />
'''<u>APSIG 2018 Thailand</u>''' 
*Program committee member of  APSIG 2018<ref name=":2" />
*Coordinator of the Ad Hoc Committee on Session Analysis 2018 <ref></ref>
*Session coordinator of Youths and School of Internet Governance 2018 <ref></ref>
*BoF Session on Youth Engagement and Grassroots level Initiative <ref></ref>
*BoF session on Youth, developing nation and GDPR<ref></ref>
*BoF session on Youth and SIG <ref></ref>
'''<u>APSIG 2017 Thailand</u>''' 
*Pre-selection committee member of Fellowship APSIG 2017 <ref></ref>
*Social media and evaluation (administration) APSIG 2017<ref></ref>
*Session coordinator of Case Study Session: Security with Fishbowl 2017<ref></ref>
*BoF session on Collaborative Community Development Program, Youth on the table:  Learn-IG<ref></ref>
*BoF session on Internet Development Report Problems and Challenges in Developing Nations<ref></ref>
*BoF session on Role of Media in IG from Developing Perspective<ref></ref>
'''<u>APSIG 2016 Thailand</u>'''
* Participant of the APSIG 2016 <ref></ref>
===<u>Ghana School of Internet Governance 2021([[NASIG|GHSIG]])</u>===
* Speaker of the Regional and Local Level Participation in Internet Governance <ref></ref>
===<u>Bangladesh School of Internet Governance (BDSIG)</u>===
'''Bangladesh School of Internet Governance 2021'''
*Speaker for the Internet Fellowships and Grants BDSIG2021<ref></ref>
'''Bangladesh School of Internet Governance 2020'''
*Speaker for the Internet Fellowships and Grants BDSIG2020 <ref></ref><ref></ref>
===<u>Nepal School of Internet Governance (npSIG)</u>===
He was one of the organizers and also chaired the fellowship committee of the npSIG. The npSIG was organized from 19 and 20 January 2018  at the Information and communication Technology Center, Institute of Engineering Pulchowk. <ref></ref> He also made a presentation about internet ecosystem in Nepal.<ref></ref> and  also hosted a Role play session giving the participant a real life experience of multistakeholderism. <ref></ref>
<nowiki>-Organizer and moderator of Internet Governance : Role Play [IG Stakeholders]</nowiki><ref></ref>
-Speaker for Participation at IG Forums [Forum]<ref></ref>
== Bangladesh  Internet Governance Forum(BdIGF) ==
<u>'''Bangladesh Youth Internet Governance Forum 2022'''</u>
*Speaker for Session 03 : "How to Engage in #ICANN community" <ref></ref>
<u>'''Bangladesh  Internet Governance Forum 2021'''</u>
*Speaker for Session 04 : Internet Governance Prospect and Fellowship Opportunity<ref></ref>
====<u>Bangladesh Youth Internet Governance Forum 2021</u>====
*Speaker for Regional and Local Participation in Internet Governance <ref>[ <u>Bangladesh Youth Internet Governance Forum 2021</u>]
[ Speaker for Regional and Local Participation in Internet Governance] </ref>
==Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF)==
Rayamajhi  has been engaged with the APrIGF since 2012 December and has particiapted in various working committees in the past.<ref></ref>
'''APrIGF 2024 Taiwan'''
* Social Media Startegy APrIGF 2024<ref></ref>
* Fellowship Committee member of APrIGF 2024
* Program Committee member of APrIGF 2024
'''APrIGF 2023 Austrilia'''
* Mentor of the of the APrIGF 2023
'''APrIGF 2022 Singapore'''
* Mentor of the of the APrIGF 2022<ref></ref>
* Fellowship Committee member of APrIGF 2022<ref name=":10"></ref>
* Program Committee member of APrIGF 2022<ref></ref>
'''APrIGF 2021 Hybrid Nepal'''
* Host of the Day 1 Session, Open Conversations on Internet Governance with 2021 Fellows<ref></ref>
* Social Media Meetup with the Fellows of APrIGF 2021<ref></ref>
* Mentor of the of the APrIGF 2021<ref></ref>
'''APrIGF 2020 Virtual'''
* Fellowship Committee member of APrIGF 2020<ref name=":4"></ref>
* Program Committee member of APrIGF 2020<ref name=":4" />
* Program Committee Guidelines<ref></ref>
'''APrIGF 2019 Vladivostok, Russia'''
* Fellowship Committee Guideline<ref></ref>
* Member of Ad Hoc committee of creating guidelines for the operations of the Program Committee (PC) of APrIGF<ref></ref>
* Member of Drafting committee<ref></ref>
* Election Committee of APrIGF 2019<ref></ref>
* Call for Theme of APrIGF 2019 <ref></ref>
'''APrIGF 2018 Vanuatu'''
* Member of Drafting committee<ref name=":4" />
* Speaker for Internet Restrictions in Asia Pacific Region and how to mitigate<ref></ref>
'''APrIGF2017 Thailand'''
* Fellow of the APrIGF 2017 <ref> </ref>
'''APrIGF2016 Taipe, Taiwan'''
* Speaker and fellow <ref></ref>
* Organizer and Moderator  of Disaster and Disabilities in terms of Crisis & Management<ref></ref>
* Speaker for Online women violence and awareness of Social Media<ref></ref>
* Speaker for Cyber Security and the Internet of Things: Is Privacy Dead?<ref></ref>
* Fellowship committee | Program committee <ref></ref>
* Fellowship committee | Program committee<ref></ref>
* MSG of APrIGF October 2013 <ref></ref>
===<u>Sri Lanka Internet Governance Forum (Lanka IGF)</u>===
'''Sri Lanka IGF 2017'''
*Speaker for the Cyber Security & Safer Internet Forum Lanka IGF2017 <ref></ref>
'''Sri Lanka IGF 2016'''
*Organizer of Session on Freedom of Expression our Internet Rights and Principle 2016<ref></ref>
==Nepal Internet Governance Forum (Nepal IGF)==
Rayamajhi played a significant role in the first [[Nepal IGF]], he is one of the signatories of the Nepal IGF.<ref></ref> He was the speaker for 2 sessions and moderated two of the sessions himself <ref> </ref> and  He has been working towards raising awareness about Nepal IGF through his blogs and articles.<ref></ref> Working with various stakeholders and community leaders, shreedeep was elected as the Multistakeholder Steering group Member in the Nepal IGF.<ref></ref>
'''<u>Nepal IGF 2019</u>'''
* Program Committee Guidelines <ref></ref>
* Program Committee Member of Nepal IGF2019<ref></ref>
'''<u>Nepal IGF 2018</u>'''
* Program Committee Member of Nepal IGF2018 <ref></ref>
* Speaker for the participation of Youth in Regional and Global IG Platform <ref></ref>
* Speaker for Smartpalika - Transforming into Digital Governance<ref></ref>
'''<u>Nepal IGF 2017</u>'''
* Report on Nepal IGF 2017 <ref></ref>
* Speaker for Women and ICT: Nepalese Scenario<ref></ref>
* Organizer and speaker of ICT in Disaster Risk Reduction: Lesson Learnt<ref></ref>
* Organizer and speaker of Initiating a youth platform for Internet Governance: Nepal Youth IGF<ref></ref>
* Organizer and speaker of Internet Rights and Freedom of Expression in Nepal<ref></ref>
* Program Committee Member of Nepal IGF2017<ref></ref>
== Internet Governance Event Participation==
== Internet Governance Event Participation==
*Cyber Security and Currents Trends<ref></ref>
*ICANN 60 <ref> </ref>
*Participant of Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance 2016, AIT Thailand <ref></ref>
*Online Speaker for Sri Lanka Internet Governance Forum 2017 <ref></ref>
*Fellow of Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2016<ref></ref>   
*Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2017<ref></ref>
*Online Speaker for Internet Governance Forum 2016, Mexico <ref></ref>
*Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2016<ref></ref>   
*Online Speaker for Internet Governance Forum 2016 <ref></ref>
*Online Speaker for Sri Lanka Internet Governance Forum 2016 <ref> </ref>
*Online Speaker for Sri Lanka Internet Governance Forum 2016 <ref> </ref>
*Internet Governance Forum 2015  Brazil João Pessoa <ref> </ref>
*Internet Governance Forum 2015  Brazil João Pessoa <ref> </ref>
*Internet Governance Forum 2014 Turkey, Istanbul<ref> </ref>
*Internet Governance Forum 2014 Turkey, Istanbul<ref> </ref>
*Internet Governance Forum 2013 Bali, Indonesia<ref></ref>
*Internet Governance Forum 2013 Bali, Indonesia<ref></ref>
==Research Papers ==
*Multistakeholder Concept and its Practice in Developing Countries<ref></ref>
*Artificial Intelligence(AI) perspective and challenges of developing nations<ref></ref>
*Final survey report of OVAW 2017<ref name=":1"></ref>
*Internet development report of Asia Pacific 2016- Least Developed [[Countries]] <ref></ref>
*Survey report about youth on the table youth challenges and issues in Internet [[Governance]] <ref></ref>
*Report on Internet Governance Capacity Survey Nepal 2016 <ref></ref>
*Survey report of VAW 16 days survey 2015 <ref></ref>
*Final report on survey of Internet Standardization in Nepal 2014<ref>Final report-on-survey-of-internet-standardization-in-nepal-2014</ref>
*Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance 2016<ref></ref>
*Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance 2016<ref></ref>
*Research with cyber Terrorism and Warfare <ref> </ref>
*Research with cyber Terrorism and Warfare <ref> </ref>
*Advance Security Course of Diplo Foundation <ref></ref>
*Advance Security Course of Diplo Foundation <ref></ref>
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==Publications & Contribution ==
==Publications & Contribution ==
* CIMA: Advocating for Openness: Nine Ways Civil Society Groups Have Mobilized to Defend Internet Freedom<ref></ref>
* Toolkit on Fact-Checking <ref></ref>
* Youth Engagement at the IGF<ref></ref>  
* Development of NRI IGF tool kit''' '''<ref></ref>
* APrIGF Newcomer toolkit<ref></ref>
* Research Papers and Presentation<ref></ref>  
* Toolkit for Multistakeholder Practice and MSG Formation<ref></ref>
* Online | Offline VAW Toolkit<ref></ref>
*[[ICANN]] Newcomer Toolkit <ref></ref>
* Child Safety online Toolkit<ref></ref>
* Youth Engagement at the IGF<ref></ref>
* Development of NRI IGF tool kit<ref></ref>
* Research Papers and Presentation<ref></ref>
*Fellow of the First Summer School on Disinformation Organized by Digital Asia Hub in association of Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and Chatham House <ref></ref> 
*APSIG-Amazon Fellowship for [[IGF]]2017 <ref></ref>
*APSIG-Amazon Fellowship for [[IGF]]2017 <ref></ref>
*Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2017, Thailand Fellowship awardee<ref></ref>
*Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2017, Thailand Fellowship awardee<ref></ref>
*CIMA: Advocating for Openness: Nine Ways Civil Society Groups Have Mobilized to Defend Internet Freedom<ref></ref>
*Fellow of the Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance APSIG 2016<ref>
*Fellow of the Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance APSIG 2016<ref>
*Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2016, Taiwan Fellow<ref></ref>
*Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2016, Taiwan Fellow<ref></ref>
*Participated as a fellow for the 18th Oxford Annenberg Media Policy Summer Institute<ref></ref>
*Participated as a fellow for the 18th Oxford Annenberg Media Policy Summer Institute<ref></ref>
*Internet Society Internet Governance Forum 2015 Returning Ambassador, João Pessoa, Brazil<ref></ref>
*Internet Society Internet Governance Forum 2015 Returning Ambassador, João Pessoa, Brazil<ref></ref>
*[[Internet Society]] IGF 2014 Ambassador <ref></ref>
*[[Internet Society]] IGF 2014 Ambassador <ref></ref>
*Center for International Media Assistance(CIMA)listed him in their Report:Profiles of Blogging: How do Bloggers Around the World Practise their Craft<ref></ref>
*Center for International Media Assistance(CIMA)listed him in their Report:Profiles of Blogging: How do Bloggers Around the World Practise their Craft<ref></ref>
*Participated in the [[Internet Governance Forum]] 2013<ref></ref> as the fellow of [[Internet Society]]
*Participated in the [[Internet Governance Forum]] 2013<ref></ref> as the fellow of [[Internet Society]]
A full profile is available at this reference<ref>[ Profile]</ref>.
A full profile is available at this reference<ref>[ Profile]</ref>.
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[[Category:Fellowship Program]]
