Hi Mrwebng, thanks for the edits! Here's a template you can use on this article to match the other people pages:

|portrait   = PortraitComing1.jpg
|caricature = CaricatureComing.jpg
|organization = 
|affiliation = Company Name or Organization/Group Name
|country    = USA
|email      = john [at] JDDomains.net
|websitename= JDDomains.net
|website    = https://www.JDDomains.net 
|blog       = https://JohnDoe.BlogProvider.com
|twitter    = johndoe
|github     = johndoe
|facebook   = https://www.facebook.com/johndoe 
|linkedin   = https://www.linkedin.com/pub/john-doe/1/a30/343 
|userbox      = 

And you can upload files (like pictures) here.

Thanks, Jessica (talk)

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