Electronic Engineer (1993), with a Master on Technology Management (1999), both from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín. Obtained his PhD in Telecommunications from Universitat Politécnica de Valencia in 2003. He is IEEE member since 1995 and Senior Member since 2014. Advisor of the Spectrum Management Committee for Colombian Spectrum Agency (2014-2018) and ITU expert. Current IEEE Andean Council Chair (2024-2025). corresponding member of the 2024 IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board and Colombian VTS chapter Chair; IEEE Comsoc LATAM Regional Director 2022-2023. As ITU expert, advised different governments in Digital TV and Spectrum Management. Is a participant on COST CA 20120 INTERACT and former actions COST CA15104 IRACON, COST IC1004 and COST 2100. He is member of IEICE and EurAAP. Currently is the coordinator of the CENIT research center for technology in Health in Universidad Icesi, a joint center involving Biomedica research group and Fundacion Valle del Lili. His research interests are Spectrum Management, mobile radio planning (5G 6G), radio propagation and m-health.