Currently I am the AFRALO Lead to the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Work Track 5 WG, Social Media working group and a member of the Outreach & Engagement.

Bram Fudzulani is a cyber-security evangelist, technologist and advocate for internet governance and net neutrality; he is also a fellow of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), AFRINIC which is the Regional Registry for Internet Number Resources serving the African Internet Community and also a fellow for the Internet Society Africa Peering forum (ISOC). He is also a member of the National ICT working group as well as the Internet Governance Forum local chapter. I am a member of the Malawi Cybersecurity Strategy Document formulation technical working group a project aimed at helping the country come up with its cybersecurity strategy document to complement the existing electronic transaction policy. I was key to the establishment of the local IGF chapter in Malawi in coordination with the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD, e-Africa). In 2014 I was in the organizing committee within the SADC secretariat for the Southern Africa IGF meeting preparation which took place in Malawi. I am the president for the ICT Association of Malawi which is a professional body of the ICT practitioners in Malawi whose objective is that of developing and promoting the integrity and competence of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) profession in Malawi; and to lobby for the creation of a conducive policy and legal framework for promotion of activities and various issues on ICT in Malawi.